Thursday, November 5, 2015

Crops are In

We've had a relatively good year of gardening, with some exceptions. Squash vine borers continued to sneak in but otherwise pests were not as nasty this year. An over friendly armadillo seems to have taken a liking for our mulched pathways. An "anti-armadillo" blockade is underway. In addition to that rascally armadillo, this blockade will, hopefully, help keep wondering puppies, rabbits, chickens and turkeys from sneaking under our garden gate. Here are a few pics of some interesting crops this year:

 This grand prize winning tomato weighed 1 lb. 11.9 ounces. The proud parents are Sara and Ferol farming in Bed B-2.Now this is what makes a great "mater samich". All this needs is some extra fresh white bread and Duke's mayonnaise

   Sara and Ferol were also blessed with this1 pound, 11.3 ounce whopper.
This interesting sweet tater was harvested by Helen, Mary Carol and Craig from Bed E-7. Can't decide if it looks like a goose, a penguin, or totem pole. Maybe we should  have a "name the tater" contest.
Most crops have been harvested, including a fall bounty of lettuce, greens, and cabbage. Most farmers are getting beds cleaned up and prepared for a nice winter nap. Soon the time for browsing seed catalogs and dreaming of future crops will be upon us.

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