Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fall Crops_Yep! It's Time.

Many, if not most, of our crops have been brought to their knees by the heat and long summer growing season. While the okra is still standing tall and blooming, it's time for those wilted tomatoes and peppers to be yanked out. The approach of cooler nights and shorter days means it's time to get those FALL CROPS in the ground. Don't forget to throw a little fertilizer around to nourish those newly planted goodies. This is also a great time to do some "catch up" weeding.

While we're tossing out the old....please be careful not to throw "seeds" or diseased plant material into the compost pile. Things like old tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash are full of seeds that will typically survive the composting process---only to sneak into someones garden next year.