Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall Harvests and Garlic Plantin'

Those community gardeners who toiled away in recent weeks are reaping some wonderful "fall crop" harvests. One of our gardening families recently had help from two precious grand daughters in digging sweet taters. The bounty included the "jumbo" in the accompanying photo. Wow!

A "football" sized sweet tater and two cute farmers.

Also, for those interested in becoming master garlic producers, the UGA recently released some tips on this venture. Now is the time to get those garlic bulbs in the ground so they are big and husky for next year's harvest. Go to this link for the UGA posting:  Garlic Planting Step-by-Step

After cleaning your garden beds, it is recommended that you either plant a cover crop, like clover, OR spread newspaper/landscape fabric over your garden and then cover that with straw/mulch. This will help keep those nasty weeds from taking hold. Plus it looks good!

As a reminder....don't forget to tidy up those garden beds before putting them to sleep for the winter. All vegetation should be removed and placed in the compost pile (no seeds please). All trellises and tomato cages should be removed and stored at your house. There is simply not enough room in the tool shed to accommodate everyone's personal stuff.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Fall Crops_Yep! It's Time.

Many, if not most, of our crops have been brought to their knees by the heat and long summer growing season. While the okra is still standing tall and blooming, it's time for those wilted tomatoes and peppers to be yanked out. The approach of cooler nights and shorter days means it's time to get those FALL CROPS in the ground. Don't forget to throw a little fertilizer around to nourish those newly planted goodies. This is also a great time to do some "catch up" weeding.

While we're tossing out the old....please be careful not to throw "seeds" or diseased plant material into the compost pile. Things like old tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash are full of seeds that will typically survive the composting process---only to sneak into someones garden next year.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Crops_Coming On Strong

Bountiful crops are, well, "cropping up" all over the Community Garden. Luscious tomatoes, tall corn, squash and other veggie delights are filling our baskets. THIS is what Friends Playing in the Dirt is all about!

Workday Fun for All

 Saturday morning  June 21st saw a bushel of gardener-volunteers eagerly "weeding" and building/installing 11 new planting beds. While a beautiful morning, it was around 140-degrees with humidity in the high 99% range. Yuk!! Everyone was really dragging after a short time. Never-the-less the new planting beds were carefully installed. Also, a mountain of nasty weeds were hand-yanked from around the garden. A few brave souls whacked more of the pine saplings that threaten to shade our garden.

 Thanks to ALL who made this such a successful workday.

How much FUN 
weeding can be!

New Bed Construction
"Captain Craig's" Layout  Crew

Eleven New Beds All in Rows

New Trellis_Much Needed Shade

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Spring Gardens_Toils in the Soils

These pictures from early May depict just a few of the lush Spring Gardens that have rewarded our toils in soils.

Look! Luscious LETTUCE!
Broccoli Bonanza

English Peas in a Pod
Tiny MATERS_Green and Growing
Hidden TATERS_Deep and Solid

Zucchini Zoo_Really Thriving

 Get Ready for GARLIC Gathering
Even Our Blueberry Hill is Springing Forth

Friday, April 11, 2014


 Our Community Garden is now the proud owner of a nice "chipper-shredder" and Snapper rear tine tiller. Yes, they are both red. The chipper shredder will prove valuable in our composting efforts and in turning the small trees (recently removed from our fence line) into useful mulch. The tiller will enable us to deep till our garden beds, including the "Jawja" red clay that forms the base of our garden site. Yea!!!

These are complex machines with "dangers" associated with their operation. Therefore, gardeners are asked to NOT try using either of these tools until they receive PROPER INSTRUCTIONS!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

First Harvest of 2014

 Some tender spinach and Swiss Chard were the "first fruits" of the 2014 growing season at the SCP Community Garden. Yummy!

Spring gardens have sprung!

Fabulous "Trophy Wall" at the Community Garden

Monday, March 10, 2014

February 22, 2014

 Workday Fun!

Around 35 fearless, dedicated gardeners gathered for our 1st official "workday" of the new gardening year on a beautiful Saturday, February 22nd. Main projects included:
  •  Repositioned 8 planting beds 
  • Completed (or nearly so)  “blackberry” trellis 
  • Removed pine saplings and weeds from fence line separating garden site from parking area - prepared area for shrubbery.
  • Installed "The Rudy Bench" 

Busy Bees - Whacking Trees!

    Working hard WHILE gracefully posing can be difficult!

    Neat and Shade Free! A great place for handsome shrubbery.

    Move this bed over over there...okay...right here!

    Are we hiding...or what?
    Ah....I'll take a picture of you taking a picture of me.

    "The Rudy Bench" ... a great spot for resting, meditating, or garden planning!

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10,2014

On January 22nd, old farmers and new dirt scratchers gathered at our local golf clubhouse for a festive 2014 Community Garden official, "kickoff". In addition to a bountiful breakfast buffet, gardeners had the opportunity of sharing stories and renewing or selecting new garden beds. The gathering featured:
  •  The coveted "Golden Trowel Award" presented to Larry and Marge
  •  The honored "Volunteer of the Year Award" presented to Dave
  • An information-filled presentation by Larry and Marge (internationally acclaimed Golden Trowel Award winners) on "How We Did What We Did--Tips, Hints, and Semi-Secrets of Successful Gardening in SCP-Community Garden". Not only was the information they shared valuable, but the costumes and props were quite the rage...possibly setting new fashion trends in our wonderful community.

The coveted "Golden Trowel Award" plaque will be on permanent display on the "trophy wall" at the SCP-Community Garden (under pavilion).

"Nearly Paved" Access Road

Other January our garden entry road was "paved". Actually, this is crushed asphalt and gravel repurposed from another road. This is certainly a tremendous improvement.